Monday, March 9, 2009

Bloggers Community Photo Challenge: Community Photo Challenge- BIRDHOUSES

Bloggers Community Photo Challenge: Community Photo Challenge- BIRDHOUSES

Bloggers Community Photo Challenge


- birdhouse photos - _rRose

"You are surprised and not surprised by the way

these moments come,

the four of you on the porch like that,

the birdhouse not only looking like a birdhouse but actually one."
- “The Birdhouse, Or” _Jamie Dopp's


MariesImages said...

Very nice, Rose, glad you joined in Ü

The top one is an unusual shape for a birdhouse. I love the bright red color on the bottom image~

J9 said...

The snow covered outhouse made me smile, while the red house against the blue backdrop was striking!

Vicki said...

Rose, Thanks for the two, very different, birdhouses. The top one looks different from any I've ever seen, and I love it with the snow on the front step. :) Glad you joined in this one.

Michelle said...

Two very pretty and unique birdhouses. I like the quote, too.